Delaware Valley Iris Society
Affiliate of American Iris Society
The American Iris Society: Region 3
Delaware Valley Iris Society
Official Show Schedule; SHOW REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2023-029
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Jenkins Arboretum
New Education Center
631 Berwyn-Baptist Rd.
Devon, PA 19333
For directions, see the Jenkins Arboretum website:
Show Co-Chairs – George Hildenbrandt, grh3@psu.edu
Svetlana McCoy-Rusanova, svetamcc@gmail.com
Region 3 of the American Iris Society (AIS) includes all of DE, NJ and PA. The Delaware Valley Iris
Society (DVIS) is one of the Region's affiliates. This group holds regular meetings with programs
related to all phases of iris culture. Educational goals are fulfilled through functions including: garden
tours, annual spring show(s), annual iris rhizome sale(s), and a Fall awards luncheon and informational
presentations. Although participation in the Region's activities does not require membership,
membership in the AIS is encouraged and will place you on the mailing list for our colorful and
informative bulletins.
We cordially invite you to join the Delaware Valley Iris Society. AIS membership applications are
available at our membership desk or online at:
Show Timetable
7:30 AM – 9:30 AM : Entries preparation and placement. Entries for all divisions except Artistic
Division MUST be made by 9:30. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!!!
10:00 AM: Entries for Artistic Division must be made.
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM : Show clerk or placement committee places entries.
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM : Judging. Time is an estimate, and may vary depending on the number of
entries and judges.
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM : Show open to the public.
4:00 PM: Show takedown and cleanup. No ribbons or entries may be removed prior to this.
Entry Rules of the Show
All official rules and procedures as stated in the current American Iris Society Handbook for
Judges and Show Officials apply and cannot be violated. Decisions of the judges will be final. The
Show Committee will exercise all appropriate care but cannot be held responsible for loss and/or
damage to entries or other personal items associated with the show.
The show is open to the public and there is no charge for exhibitors or spectators.
Containers of various sizes will be provided by DVIS for the flower stalks for all entries except
English Box, Educational & Commercial Displays. In addition, entrants may use their own clean green
bottles if they desire.
All entries must be accompanied by a properly completed (top & bottom) entry card. An
incorrect name (including spelling) or incorrect class on the entry card may lead to disqualification.
Assistance and official AIS registration lists will be available.
Entries may only be placed by the Placement Committee or the Show Clerk. Unnamed or
incorrectly named specimens will be placed in the Division IV: "UFO: unidentified flowering object"
and may not be considered for Club or AIS awards.
Specimens entered in Division I, III and VI must have been grown, groomed and entered by the
exhibitor. There is no limit to the number of entries one may make; however, other than Collections
(Sections K or L), only one specimen stalk of a variety may be entered per Section or Group.
Exhibitors under age 19 may elect to enter the show as either "Youth" or "Adult" but not both.
Judges may not enter sections they are judging unless there is an emergency as determined by
the Show Chairperson(s).
The Show Chair may combine small sections where entries warrant.
NO ONE is permitted in the show area once judging begins except the judges, the clerk(s), any
apprentice judges, the Show Chairperson, and the Awards Chairperson for placement of Special
Awards, Best of Show, and rosettes where applicable at the completion of judging.
Entries not claimed by the exhibitor will be disposed of at the discretion of the Show
All of the AIS rules and guidelines for judging and awards are applicable. Ribbons, rosettes and
other awards will be presented. Each specimen can be awarded ONLY one ribbon. One First (blue),
one Second (red), and one Third (white) place ribbon may be given to each cultivar in any given
section EXCEPT in the Seedling Division. As many Honorable Mention (pink) ribbons may be
awarded as the panel of judges deems worthy.
As many Blue Ribbons as merited may be awarded in the Seedling Division, for all those
seedlings that the judges did not select for the Best Seedling, but feel are worthy of recognition. These
blue ribbons are not counted when determining eligibility for the Bronze or Silver medals. No other
color ribbons are awarded for seedlings.
DVIS Awards
The "Queen's Court" is the four stalks that the judges deem to be the best runners-up from
Divisions I, III or VI. Each “Queen’s Court” cultivar will receive a “Special Horticultural Award”
rosette and a special DVIS award.
Best in Show Award - Same requirements as for the AIS Best Specimen. Special award given,
sponsored by DVIS.
Best Novice Specimen Award - Best first place entry in the Novice Division, with a minimum
of 3 entries and 2 exhibitors.
The Best Seedling will also receive the DVIS “Sterling Innerst Best Seedling Award”.
American Iris Society Awards
Blue, Red, White and Pink Ribbons - Awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention.
Silver Medal and Certificate - Most first places in Horticultural Divisions (minimum 20 cultivars; 5
exhibitors). Ties will be broken as per the procedure in Chapter 4, p. 11 of the AIS Judge’s Handbook
8th ed. (rev. Sept 2022).
Bronze Medal and Certificate - Second most first places in Horticultural Division (min. 20 cultivars; 5
exhibitors). Ties will be broken as per the procedure in Chapter 4, p. 11 of the AIS Judge’s Handbook
8th ed. (rev. Sept 2022).
Bronze Medal Certificate - Outstanding educational or commercial iris display.
Youth Division - Best Specimen of Show Rosette - Best of all first place Youth entries in Horticulture
divisions excluding bulbous, collections, and English box. (minimum 2 exhibitors)
Youth Division- Silver Medal and Certificate - Most first places in Horticultural Divisions (10
cultivars; 2 exhibitors).
Youth Division- Bronze Medal and Certificate - Second most first places in Horticultural Division (10
cultivars; 2 exhibitors).
Section Rosette(s): Best in Section [requires minimum five (5) cultivars by three (3) exhibitors.]
Should the number of entries warrant it, Best of Section rosettes may be awarded to any or all of the
Groups under Section B.
Section Medal Certificates may be awarded to the exhibitor with the most blue ribbons in a section,
provided that the minimum requirements are met. [requires minimum five (5) cultivars by three (3)
exhibitors. Ties will be broken as per the procedure in Chapter 4, p. 11 of the AIS Judge’s Handbook
8th ed. (rev. Sept 2022).]
Best Seedling of Show Rosette - Selected best offering of advancement or improvement over
introduced cultivars. The Best Seedling is automatically awarded an EC.
Best Specimen of Show Rosette - Best of all first place entries in Horticulture divisions excluding
bulbous, collections, arrangements and English box.
Horticultural divisions are Division I, III, and VI.
In horticultural divisions, not only the flower and the stalk are evaluated, but also evidence of
the entrant's cultural practices. Care and grooming are seriously considered and count for 25% of the
Bulbous iris, collections, and English boxes may count towards Silver and Bronze awards for
most first places and are eligible for section awards but are not considered for "Best Specimen of
Seedlings are eligible for the Exhibition Certificate, awarded for Best Seedling. Seedling
awards are not counted toward the Silver or Bronze Medal Certificate. Judges are not required to
choose a Best Seedling if they do not feel that any are worthy. All AIS judges are encouraged to submit
their vote to the Chairperson for any seedling they believe worthy. Ballots will be provided at each
show. Only official AIS judges may fill out a ballot. Any seedling receiving 5 votes will also be
awarded an Exhibition Certificate.
Judges will not make awards to any exhibit they consider unworthy. Single entries in a group
should not be barred from consideration for awards simply because they are the lone entry in that
Division I
Section A - Tall Bearded (alphabetical order by named variety)
Section B - Other Bearded Iris
Group 1 - Miniature Dwarf Iris
Group 2 - Standard Dwarf Iris
Group 3 - Intermediate Iris
Group 4 - Border Bearded Iris
Group 5 - Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (table iris)
Group 6 - Any others
Section C - Siberian Iris
Section D - Bulbous Iris (not eligible for Best in Show)
Section E - Species - named or unnamed selections of a single species originally collected in the wild,
or crosses made from a single species.
Section F- Species-X interspecies crosses; at least one parent iris species mixed with another parent not
of same species; also, hybrids from Spec-X
Section G - Louisiana Iris
Section H - Japanese Iris
Section I – Historic Iris, which is defined as a named iris with a date of introduction 30 or more years
ago. An iris may be entered in the Historic Section, or whatever other Section is applicable to that
cultivar, but not in both. The date of introduction of a Historic iris must appear on the entry tag,
as well as its class.
Section J - Other: Spuria, Aril, Aril-Bred and any iris not listed above.
* additional groups will be formed if number of entries so merit.
Section K - Collections: 3 specimen stalks, in separate containers. Stalks should all be the same height.
Group 1: same cultivar
Group 2: three different cultivars from same Section (or "Group" in Section B)
* additional groups (ex. bearded, beardless if number of entries so merit)
Section L - English Box
Exhibitors will furnish their own box. Exhibits will contain 5 or 6 individual blooms, all
properly labeled in a water box; one classification per box. They may be all of one cultivar, or of many
cultivars. They will be judged on overall beauty, color combination, cultural perfection, condition and
grooming and conformance to schedule. Contact the show chairperson for additional information.
Division II - Seedlings
All seedlings (not introduced to commerce) must be labeled with seedling number or registered
name. Every seedling must be entered in the name of its originator, whether or not he/she is the
exhibitor. Entry stock should be cut at the base of the stalk and not be groomed except for removal of
dirt and pests. Only one entry per seedling is allowed, though as many siblings as desired may be
As many blue ribbons (and only blue ribbons) as merited may be awarded in the Seedling
Division. These do not count for the ribbon total when considering awarding of medals, but are simply
a way for the judges to let the hybridizers know which cultivars they thought were superior.
Division III - Youth Division
Section A - Under age 19 - Any AIS registered and introduced Iris specimen
American Iris Society regulations specify that Youth Division medals will be awarded only
when there is a minimum of:
Two youth exhibitors
10 total entries (cultivars)
A youth may enter either the youth division or the regular division, but never both in the same
Division IV - Unidentified Flowering Objects (UFO's)
The Show Committee cannot identify your iris for you, but it may be entered in the UFO
category. Not eligible for Queen's table or AIS awards.
Division V- Educational & Commercial Displays
Interested exhibitors will be assigned a space for making a display of educational or
commercial materials. Please contact the Show Chairperson in advance to reserve a space. All exhibits
must be relevant to the use and/or contribution of iris to horticulture, the arts, or any other related area.
Such displays should be effective channels of communication with the general public. Such a display is
eligible for the Bronze Medal Certificate from the AIS.
Division VI - Novice Division
If you are entering iris for the first time or have never won a blue ribbon at an iris show, you
may enter this division for a Region award. You must enter a groomed, AIS named iris and designate
the appropriate Section and group (See horticultural division I). Inform the show chair in advance of
placement so that your entry may be appropriately indicated.
Novice entries are eligible to win Best in Show or Runner-up if the judges deem it worthy.
Should the number of exhibitors and entries warrant, a Best of Section rosette may be awarded.
Division VII – Arrangements
Tables will be provided for anyone wishing to enter an arrangement. Multiple arrangements
may be entered. All arrangements must contain irises. The irises need not be named, and need not be
grown by the exhibitor. No containers or plant material will be provided by the club or show officials.
Arrangements will be divided into those with a 12” x 12” or smaller table area, and those that are
larger. Setup of all arrangements must be done by 10:00. All arrangements will be judged using AIS
rules, by AIS judges. A special non-AIS award will be given to the arrangement deemed the best, in
addition to any AIS ribbons it may receive. Arrangements are not eligible to be placed on the head
table. Blue ribbons received for arrangements do not count towards the medal count.
For additional inquiries, please contact any show officials or officers of the DVIS.
More information and membership forms can also be found on the web pages.
The web page for the American Iris Society is http://www.irises.org
The web page for the Delaware Valley Iris Society is http://www.dvis-ais.org