Delaware Valley Iris Society
Affiliate of American Iris Society

Vince Lewonski
Faults in the Garden
Evaluating Iris in the Garden
Tall Bearded irises
Median irises
Miniature Tall Bearded irises
Japanese irises
Siberian irises
AIS Awards and Ballots
Gary Slagle
Show Stalk Preparation and Judging
Joan Wood
Extend the Iris Season
Early Spring Preparation of Irises
Grooming irises for the Show
Dividing Irises and Identifying Problems
Delaware Valley Iris Society
Announces Formation of
Speakers Bureau
The speakers bureau is formed to better serve garden clubs,
horticultural groups and other organizations in the
Delaware Valley on various iris-related topics.
The following speakers and topics are available to date:
Ron Thoman
Advancements in Tall Bearded Irises
Extending the Bloom Season with Different Types of Irises
How to Grow Great Irises
2007 AIS National Convention
Photographing Irises: A How-To Guide
Garden Judging Tall Bearded Irises, a Classroom Presentation
Carol Ann Moyer
The New Iris
Extreme Makeover of the Delaware Valley College Iris Garden
Why should I Invite Iris to My Garden Party?
The Iris Family: A Learning Experience

For further informationContact Ron Thoman, DVIS Secretarysecretary@dvis-ais.org