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The Delaware Valley Iris Society (DVIS) was formed on July 18, 1957 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Landt in Norristown, Pennsylvania.  The first officers were John Harvey, President; Kathryn Chambers, Vice President; Edward A. Murray, Secretary; and Norman R. Clouser, Treasurer.  The DVIS was stated that the purpose of the new society is to unite "iris lovers" in the Delaware Valley, covering parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.  In 1960, DVIS was the fourth local society to affiliate with the American Iris Society.  


DVIS now seeks someone to take on the position of Historian bringing the written history of DVIS up to date. This would be done through research and interviews.  



Information for this article came from written communications in 1979 from Norman Clouser, third president of DVIS, to Ron Thoman, then current president of DVIS.


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